Our Story

Hello and welcome! I’m Trivia, the founder of Sunny Island Math Academy.

This academy was born out of my passion for empowering young learners with a strong foundation in mathematics.

Born and raised in Singapore, I was a social worker and researcher before moving to Boston in 2024, for my husband’s work. Over the past eight years, I have been a passionate tutor for children from diverse backgrounds. Together with my husband, we run a charity in Singapore that has since provided tutoring to over 100 children.

Volunteering and working with children in Boston has shown me that while many students have great potential, they often struggle with conceptual understanding in math. This challenge stems from a curriculum that emphasizes repetition over deep comprehension.

Recognizing this gap, I set out to teach Singapore Math - a method that prioritizes conceptual understanding, problem-solving, and logical reasoning to help students build a strong foundation in Math.

While some schools have incorporated Singapore Math methods into their curriculum, many others have been slower in the uptake. At Sunny Island Math Academy, we believe that every child can excel in math with the right guidance and support. Our mission is to make Singapore Math accessible to every child, fostering confidence, a love for learning, and academic success.

If you’re facing financial difficulties, please let us know - we would love to explore how we can support you.

Why Singapore Math?

Proven Results

Singapore Math has demonstrated excellence consistently in international assessments, reflecting its rigor and effectiveness:

  • Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS): 1st place in 2003, 2015, and 2023.

TIMSS 2023 (Grade 4)

TIMSS 2023 (Grade 4)

Country Score
Singapore 615
US 517
International Average 503
  • Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA): 1st place in 2003, 2009, 2015, and 2022.

PISA 2022 (15-Years-Olds)

PISA 2022 (15-Years-Olds)

Country Score
Singapore 575
OECD Average 472
US 465

The Method

Singapore Math frames math as a teachable, accessible skill that builds confidence and competence in young learners.

Key features of Singapore Math include:

Early Algebraic Thinking

Students begin exploring algebraic concepts as early as Grade 1, setting a strong foundation for future learning.

Bar Modeling

A powerful visual strategy for solving complex word problems.

CPA Approach

(Concrete → Pictorial → Abstract)

Concepts are introduced tangibly, progress to visual representations, and then to abstract applications.

Mental Math

Develop number sense and flexibility in calculations.

Who is it for?

Our programs cater to:

Struggling Learners:

For students who need extra support, we break down concepts into manageable steps and provide detailed instruction to build confidence.

Advanced Learners:

For students excelling in school, we offer rigorous problem-solving exercises to strengthen their foun-dation and prepare them for more challenging topics.

Ready To Unlock Your Child’s Full Potential in Mathematics?

Our mission is to make Singapore Math accessible to every child, helping them build strong foundations, grow their confidence, and achieve great results. We believe every child can succeed in mathematics with the right support.

Contact us to learn more or enroll your child today!